Each October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month aims to raise money to help make life-saving breast cancer research and life-changing support happen.
According to Cancer Research UK[1] (CRUK) there are more than 56,000 new diagnoses of breast cancer every year. It’s the most common type of cancer for women in the UK.
While breast cancer in men is rare – Breast Cancer Now[2] reports around 400 cases each year – prostate, lung, and bowel are the three most common cancers in males.
While financial protection can’t help you avoid serious illness, it can provide valuable support if you’re diagnosed with a serious condition such as cancer. Read on to find out more.
A serious illness may be more common than you think
According to CRUK, 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. As well as cancer, you may face many other serious health risks:
- The British Heart Foundation[3] (BHF) says that, on average, 260 hospital admissions in the UK every day are due to a heart attack.
- The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society[4] says that 135 people are diagnosed with MS every week in the UK.
- The BHF[5] say that, on average, someone in the UK is admitted to hospital due to a stroke every five minutes.
Being diagnosed with a serious illness can lead to significant financial problems. You may have to take an extended period off work to focus on your treatment – and all this time you’ll have to maintain your regular commitments.
Your expenses may also rise during this period if you have to pay for additional childcare, for travelling to and from a hospital for your appointments, or for adaptations to your home.
So, it’s important to think about:
- Would you and your family be able to maintain your regular commitments if you were seriously ill?
- What would happen to your income if you were off work for an extended period?
- Could you afford your lifestyle if you were diagnosed with a life-changing illness?
If you and your family would find it difficult to maintain your outgoings if you were seriously ill, it’s time to think about appropriate protection.
A tax-free lump sum so you can focus on your recovery, not worry about your finances
Critical illness cover pays a tax-free lump sum if you’re diagnosed with any of a wide range of serious conditions during the term of your policy, including:
- Serious types of cancer
- Heart attack or stroke
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s or dementia.
You can use the payout for any purpose you want, such as replacing income, paying off your mortgage or other debts, adapting your home, or paying for specialist treatment.
It can provide valuable support when you really need it, enabling you to focus on your recovery rather than worrying about your finances.
With CRUK reporting that more than 3 in 4 of those diagnosed with breast cancer survive for more than 10 years, the support protection provides could help you stay on a financially even keel while you recuperate.
3 valuable reasons to consider illness protection now
1. Claim rates are very high
Every year, the Association of British Insurers[6] (ABI) publishes the payout statistics from all insurers.
The latest figures (2022) show that 91.3% of all Critical Illness cover claims were paid, with policyholders receiving an average amount of more than £66,000.
2. Cover is comprehensive
Modern critical illness plans typically cover more than 40 conditions, from more common illnesses such as cancer and multiple sclerosis to blindness, a benign brain tumour, and advanced liver failure.
Many insurers will also pay out a smaller lump sum if you have a child who is diagnosed with an illness covered under the terms and conditions of your policy.
3. You may need to claim earlier than you think
Critical illness cover isn’t just there to protect older people – the age of policyholders making a claim may surprise you.
The most recent figures from insurer Royal London[7] reveal that the average age of a customer making a critical illness claim was just 51.
Get in touch
If you’d like to find out how protection could give you and your family the reassurance you need, please get in touch.
Email info.wp@titanwh.com or call us on 0800 048 0150.
Please note
The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Titan Wealth Planning and does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation for any investment or retirement strategy.
Cover is subject to terms and conditions and may have exclusions. Definitions of illnesses vary from product provider and will be explained within the policy documentation.
[1] https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/statistics-by-cancer-type/breast-cancer
[2] https://breastcancernow.org/about-breast-cancer/primary-breast-cancer/breast-cancer-in-men
[4] https://www.mssociety.org.uk/what-we-do/our-work/our-evidence/ms-in-the-uk
[5] https://www.bhf.org.uk/-/media/files/for-professionals/research/heart-statistics/bhf-cvd-statistics-uk-factsheet.pdf
[6] https://www.abi.org.uk/news/news-articles/2023/5/protection-insurers-pay-out-6.85-billion-to-support-individuals-and-families/
[7] https://adviser.royallondon.com/GlobalAssets/Docs/protection/SAP8P10016.customer-claims-sales-aid.pdf