If you are getting close to your anticipated retirement date, it’s highly likely that you’ll be thinking about drawing money from your accrued pension fund – either as a lump sum or regular income.

It’s important to plan this carefully as there are some potential tax traps you could fall into. These could result in you receiving an unexpected and unwelcome tax bill or overpaying tax and having to claim a refund from HMRC.

On the latter point, figures published by Money Age [1] reveal HMRC repaid £134 million in overpaid pension tax in 2022 alone.

Given this, it makes sound financial sense to plan ahead rather than simply leaving things to chance. Yet, research published by Actuarial Post [2] confirmed that in the 2021/22 tax year, only 1 in 3 people took financial advice before accessing their pensions. 

Discover three common pension tax traps and how you can avoid falling into them.

1. Taking your pension as a single lump sum

Pension Freedoms legislation, introduced in 2015, allows a remarkable amount of flexibility when it comes to how and when you take money from your pension fund.

In fact, there are really only two restrictions:

  • You can’t start drawing money until you reach age 55, rising to age 57 in 2028
  • Only 25% of your fund can be taken free of tax. The balance will effectively be treated as income and taxed accordingly.

When the time comes, you may be planning to take a substantial lump sum from your fund, or even all of it in one go.

You might have good reason for doing this. For example, you may have a specific need already earmarked, or you may be thinking of putting it with your other savings and investments in a single account.

Before you do this, it’s important to consider the tax implications.

As you’ve already read, the bulk of such a lump sum will be taxed as income at your marginal rate. Withdrawing a lot of money in one go, could tip you into a higher tax bracket and could mean you end up paying 40% or 45% tax on the amount you draw.

As a result, you could lose a substantial amount of your retirement fund to HMRC.

To avoid this possibility, it’s important to plan ahead, and take the effects of taxation into account, especially if you hope to draw large sums from your pension fund.

This also demonstrates the importance of having a tax-efficient income strategy in place when you do retire.

2. Overpaying tax on your first pension withdrawal

As well as getting a nasty tax shock by taking a big lump sum from your pension fund, you may also get another unwanted surprise when you look at your tax code, which determines how much tax you’ll be paying in a tax year.

If you draw a lump sum from your fund at outset you could easily be put on an emergency tax code.

This effectively treats any lump sum as monthly income and assumes that you’ll be taking the same amount in each subsequent month. Your tax code is assessed accordingly, with the result that you’re likely to be paying a higher rate of tax than you ought to be.

According to a report from This is Money [3], since Pension Freedoms was introduced, people have had to claim back £925 million – often as a result of an emergency tax code.

The good news is that you can claim any tax you overpay back from HMRC using the form appropriate to your circumstances.

There are three such forms, which you can find on the government website:

  • P50Z – if the payment used up your entire pension pot and you have no other income in the tax year
  • P53Z – if the payment used up your entire pension pot and you have other taxable income
  • P55 – if you have withdrawn only part of your pot and you’re not taking regular payments.

Should you find you need to claim tax back, this is likely to take some time. This may mean that your ongoing income could be affected and you might find yourself with a shortfall for several months.

To help mitigate against the effects of an emergency tax code, it’s important to be aware of this possibility and plan ahead wherever possible.

If you have the flexibility, you could consider taking a smaller sum than you’d originally planned, or simply set up a monthly income at outset. If you’re concerned about falling into this tax trap and would like to talk about your options, please get in touch.

3. Triggering the Money Purchase Annual Allowance on your pension contributions

In the 2023/24 tax year, the Annual Allowance, which is the amount you can contribute into a personal pension and receive tax relief on, is £60,000 or 100% of your total earnings, whichever is lower.

However, once you start drawing from your pension, the amount you can contribute and receive tax relief on falls to just £10,000. This is due to the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA).

As a result, any contributions to your pension that exceed the MPAA could incur an additional tax charge.

This could be a particular issue if you start to draw from your pension fund before you finish working.

phased retirement has become an increasingly popular option. Indeed, research carried out by Legal & General [4] revealed that more than a third of people over the age of 55 had started to reduce their working hours prior to eventually retiring, rather than simply stopping work one day and starting their retirement the next.

However, doing so may mean that you start to draw a relatively small amount of income from your pension fund to make up for any shortfall in your monthly salary.

Pension Freedoms legislation was intended to help facilitate this kind of flexibility, but it’s crucial to be aware that drawing on your pension reduces the amount you can subsequently contribute to it tax-efficiently.

This means that it’s important to keep a record of contributions you are making to be sure that you don’t accidentally find yourself in this position.

You should also be aware of the maximum tax-free cash you’re entitled to

While it’s not a tax trap as such, a new limit came into effect at the start of the 2023/24 tax year.

This relates to the amount of tax-free cash you can take from your pension fund.

The limit on the total you can tax-efficiently accrue in your pension fund – known as your “Lifetime Allowance” (LTA) – was removed from 6 April 2023.

However, although there is now no limit on the size of your pension fund, your maximum tax-free cash entitlement has been fixed at £268,275.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you plan your retirement income effectively and avoid the traps you’ve read about here, please get in touch.

Email info@aspirafp.co.uk or call us on 0800 048 0150.

Please note

The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Titan Wealth Planning and does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to any investment or retirement strategy. You should seek independent financial advice before embarking on any course of action.

This article is for information only. Please do not act based on anything you might read in this article. All contents are based on our understanding of HMRC legislation, which is subject to change.

A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Your pension income could also be affected by the interest rates at the time you take your benefits.

[1] Money Age – https://moneyage.co.uk/hmrc-repays-134m-in-overpaid-pensions-tax-in-2022…
[2] Actuarial Post – https://www.actuarialpost.co.uk/article/rise-of-the-diy-pension-dipper–…
[3] This is Money – https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/pensions/article-11457463/Quiet-scan…
[4] Legal & General – https://group.legalandgeneral.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/millions-of…


Titan Asset Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Titan Asset Management Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Titan Wealth Holdings Limited. This content is for financial intermediaries, it is not aimed at the general public. This document is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information contained within constitutes the author’s own opinions. Titan Asset Management Limited do not provide financial advice. None of the information contained in the document constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. Source of data: Bloomberg, Titan Asset Management unless otherwise stated. Registered address: Titan Asset Management, 101 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1QU.

Titan Wealth Planning
3 Temple Quay,
Temple Back East,

Company Number: 07839452

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Titan Wealth Planning Limited | Operations Hub – 3 Temple Quay, Temple Back East, Bristol, BS1 6DZ. Titan Wealth Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 574458.

Company number 07839452. VAT Registration number 177910284. Registered office: 101 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1QU.

Copyright: © 2024 Titan Wealth Planning

Andrew Fearon

Joint-CEO and Head of M&A

Andrew has been actively involved with the UK wealth management sector for a number of years, helping to establish and raise funds for IFA consolidators. With experience in private and public company M&A and capital raising, he brings an ideal mix of skills to his role at Titan.


Andrew has built his own businesses since 2000. He is a qualified corporate lawyer.

Ken Coveney

Non-Executive Director.

Ken brings nearly three decades of experience to Titan Wealth, having previously held the role of CFO at Crown Agents Group, Alcumus Group and most recently at Corona Corporate Solutions. Ken plays a vital role in advancing Titan Wealth’s strategy as a leading wealth and asset management provider, with a proposition centered on delivering high quality service, lowering costs and driving efficiency.

Vicky Quigley

Corporate Consultant


Vicky has over 25 years experience in the financial services industry, starting as an Actuary before moving into Corporate Pensions and Employee Benefits. Vicky advises and supports clients on a wide variety of pension and benefit issues, including Auto Enrolment, work for Trustees and Sponsoring Employers of Defined Benefit Pension Schemes, and all areas of Employee Benefits.

Professional Qualifications

DipPFS – Diploma in Financial Planning from the Personal Finance Society.

BA(Hons) – Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Kings College London


Vicky lives in Sutton Coldfield and in her spare time, enjoys travelling, yoga and rugby – being a keen supporter of Ulster and Ireland.

Todd Rowlands

Managing Director


Todd Rowlands is Managing Director of Titan Wealth Planning.

Titan Wealth Planning provides bespoke financial planning advice to private clients and assists employers with the design, communication and implementation of employee benefits.

Todd has over 25 year’s experience in various roles across Financial Services.


Todd used to be an avid martial artist but due to age and injury is now content in being an arm chair UFC commentator.

Sue Eadon - Butler

Senior Financial Planner (Maidstone)


Sue has 25 years experience in the financial services industry including 10 years as a Financial Planner. Her progression from a “quotes” girl, to administrator to paraplanner to consultant has enabled her to put the clients first in everything she does and provide advice in a compliant manner. One of her particular strengths is presenting to small or large groups and educating clients in an easy to understand friendly manner.

Sue provides friendly, tailor made, high quality, personal and holistic financial planning to private clients, trustees and employers.  Building relationships and treating the customer fairly is key and the majority of her clients are long-standing. She also receives referrals from existing clients, friends, professional connections and ex-colleagues.

Professional Qualifications

Advanced Financial Planning Certificate, qualified in:

  • Investment & Risk
  • Pensions
  • Retirement Income Options
  • Long Term Care
  • Taxation and Trusts


Sue has two children, so weekends are spent between football matches and gymnastic classes. She likes to watch ice hockey where possible and she is an off-ice game official for her local team.

Sue is also the secretary of the Bearsted Scout Association and a member of her local school’s e-safety steering committee helping to build guidelines to keep young people safe when using the internet.

Steven Aslett

Financial Planner (Canterbury)


Steven is a Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning.

He has over 12 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising clients for over 10 years. As a Financial Planner, Steven focusses on formulating bespoke financial plans that enable his clients to achieve their ‘real world’ objectives. 

Steven fosters long term relationships with his clients becoming their trusted adviser by regularly reviewing financial plans and communicating the sometimes complex in a clear and concise manner. He also leverages the benefits of technology, such as, cashflow modelling to extrapolate clients’ financial futures, highlighting the impact of recommendations made and/or changing circumstances.  

He advises across all areas of financial planning; Investments, Retirement, Protection and Estate & Inheritance Tax planning.

Professional Qualifications

DipPFS – Financial Planner of the Personal Finance Society.


Steven lives in Canterbury, Kent. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, keeping fit and playing sports, primarily football.

Stella Trussler

Associate Consultant – Healthcare & Wellbeing


Stella has 15+ years within the healthcare industry and can offer tailored and specialist advice on a wide range of health related benefits.  Stella’s focus is promoting wellbeing within organisations and in turn helping those organisations get the benefits of healthy and motivated staff.

Professional Qualifications

Foundation Insurance Test



Stella originally from the South now lives in the Midlands and enjoys exploring the National Forest with her dog and family.  Always a book in hand if she gets a spare minute.

Rob Smith

Corporate Benefits Consultant – Team Manager


Rob has over 20 years’ experience in financial services. He advises corporate clients on pension governance, provides pension guidance and clarification to employees, and manages insured employee benefits for clients of every size.

Professional Qualifications

Chartered Insurance Institute
•    Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning
•    Diploma in Financial Planning
•    Award in Pensions Update
•    Certificate in Financial Serves (General Route)
•    Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice
•    Award in Financial Administration (Pensions)
•    Certificate In Life & Pensions
•    Certificate in General Insurance

Pensions Management Institute
•    Diploma in Pension Calculations
•    Retirement Provision Certificate

BA (Hons) German Studies, University of Portsmouth 


Rob is married and lives in Derbyshire. In his spare time he’s a keen walker who also enjoys skiing, travel and volunteering in his local community.

Richard Smith

Chartered Financial Planner (Manchester)


Richard is an independent Chartered Financial Planner and is one of the private client advisers at Titan Wealth Planning.    

As a Chartered Financial Planner and a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society, he has attained the highest level of qualification in financial planning, held only by approximately 10% of financial advisers in the UK. 

He has over 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising clients for over a decade. He provides holistic financial advice to clients and works closely with them to help meet their financial objectives, both now and in the future, by setting out a bespoke financial plan involving regular reviews and using cash flow modelling. 

Richard advises in a wide range of planning areas including investments, ISAs, pensions; both accumulation phase and options at retirement, protection, estate and inheritance tax planning including trusts and tax efficient investment schemes.

Professional Qualifications

FPFS – Fellow and Chartered Financial Planner of the Personal Finance Society.
BA(Hons) – Bachelor of Arts in Business at Manchester Metropolitan University.


Richard lives in Bramhall, Greater Manchester. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, playing golf when he can and supports Manchester United.

Richard Frost

Financial Planner


Richard has been in the Financial Services Industry since leaving school in 1986. He spent 13 years with Axa and then become an Independent Financial Adviser in 2000.

Richard’s main focus is dealing with individuals accumulating wealth for retirement and those who are at retirement.

Professional Qualifications

  • Pension Transfer Specialist
  • Diploma in Financial Planning
    – J05 Pension Income Options
    – G10 Taxation and Trusts
    – G60 Pensions
    – AF3 Pension Planning
    – AF5 Financial Planning Process
    – CF8  Long Term Care
    – R08 Pensions Update


Richard enjoys all sports and is a keen golfer. He also enjoys travel and spending time with the family.

Poonam Pankhania

Chartered Financial Planner (London)


Poonam is a Chartered Financial Planner. She has over 9 years of industry experience and has a good understanding of various financial instruments. Poonam conducts an in-depth view of client’s financial circumstances to help achieve their objectives and goals. She provides holistic financial planning and investment advice to private clients, including cash flow modelling, retirement planning, protection, financial planning on divorce and inheritance tax planning.

Poonam is also a member of the Personal Finance Society part of the Chartered Insurance Institute and an affiliated member and committee member of Resolution Leicestershire.

Professional Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning

  • Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning


In her spare time, Poonam enjoys going to the gym to stay active, cooking, and travelling.

Phil Whitehead

Financial Planner (West Lancashire)


Phil has over 16 years’ experience within financial services and prides himself on the strong, long-lasting relationships he has with his clients. He firmly believes in the value of sound, trusted advice and places the upmost importance on individual needs and circumstances.

A holistic financial planner, Phil provides bespoke advice ranging from investments, pensions, protection as well as estate and inheritance tax planning.

Professional Qualifications

Dip PFS – Diploma in Financial Planning
Certs CII (MP & ER) – Mortgage Advice & Equity Release
CF8 – Long Term Care
AF5 – Financial Planning Process


Phil and his family live in West Lancashire. He is a keen sports fan, enjoys travel and has a passion for music (playing guitar and watching live bands when he gets the chance).

Phil Easley

Employee Engagement Advisor

Phil joined Titan Wealth Planning in 2022 to work within the EEA team advising members of group personal pension schemes. Phil has over 30 years industry experience and is using this to advise clients on building their funds to enable them plan for retirement. 

Professional Qualifications

Diploma in Financial Planning and C-map


Phil has been married for 33 years and has 1 daughter who has just turned 21, his main interests outside of work are sport, travelling and socialising with friends.  

Nicole Diamond

Financial Planner (Edinburgh)


Nicole is a Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning with a commitment to excellence and is currently progressing towards chartered status. She truly believes that clients should always be at the centre of what we do and provides holistic financial advice to clients, taking the time to deeply understand both their financial and wider life goals and aspirations. She works closely with clients to create a comprehensive and ever-evolving plan to help ensure they achieve their desired financial, business and life-style goals, and achieve them tax efficiently.

Nicole advises clients with varied circumstances and at differing stages of life across a range of planning areas including: investments, ISAs, career planning and wealth creation, divorce, pensions, retirement planning options, protection, estate and inheritance tax planning, trusts, personal tax planning, and cashflow modelling.

Nicole is an associate member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute/Personal Finance Society.

Professional Qualifications

Investment Advice Diploma (Financial Planning and Advice) from the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment

Postgraduate degree (Distinction) in Economics, Finance, Banking from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh.


In her spare time, Nicole can be found at the opera, singing in a choir, and avidly listening to public lectures at the Futures Institute on developments in artificial intelligence and technology.

Nicholas Scragg

Financial Planner (Newcastle)


Having graduated from Newcastle University in 2012, Nicholas began working in Financial Services with Barclays Bank. After working for Barclays for a number of years Nicholas went on to work as a mortgage broker, before joining us in 2017. As well as looking after his own clients, he also manages Financial Planners in the North region and the Bionic Planning team.

Professional Qualifications

  • Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP)
  • Diploma for Financial Advisors (DipFA)


Nicholas is a follower of most sports and plays football, badminton and golf regularly. In addition to his interest in sports and fitness he has an ambition to run a full marathon.

Neil Pinney

Chartered Financial Planner (Bristol)


Neil is a Chartered Financial Planner with over 25 years’ experience in Financial Services. Neil has advised a number of companies through the Auto Enrolment maze and has strong relationships with high-achieving corporate professionals, where cash-flow forecasting, tax and retirement planning are key.

Neil’s clients come from various walks of life, although most are recommended by existing clients, Solicitors and Accountants. These clients have varying needs including planning for children’s university fees, saving for retirement income via pensions and investments, gifting programmes, managing Trust investments, Inheritance Tax mitigation and funding for long term care.

Professional Qualifications

FPFS: Fellow and Chartered Financial Planner of the Personal Finance Society.


Neil lives in Bristol and in his spare time enjoys plodding around local Parkruns on a Saturday morning and is a member of the local gym. Neil and his family are also registered as Trusted Housesitters and enjoy breaks around the UK during the year. Neil also holds a black belt in Taekwon-Do, enjoys reading, gardening and is a supporter of West Ham football club.

Laura Stone

Financial Planner (Bristol)


Laura is a financial planner at Titan Wealth Planning and plans to start working towards becoming Chartered within the next year.

She has spent two and a half years in the financial services industry and advises clients remotely via telephone and/or video call. She advises on pensions, investments, and protection planning and is passionate about helping her clients achieve their financial goals.

Professional Qualifications

Level 4 Diploma in Financial Advice
LLB(Hons) in Law from Lancaster University


Laura’s hobbies include traveling, cycling and live music.

Natalie Malone

Corporate Benefits Consultant – Team Manager


With 17 years experience in the healthcare industry, Natalie has obtained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in all areas of health and well-being employee benefits. Before joining the business Natalie was the Healthcare Manager at SBJ Benefit Consultants Ltd (now Capita) for almost eight years. Prior to joining SJB Natalie worked for Mercer.

Natalie has experience in the field of Healthcare Planning in respect of Private Medical Insurance, Dental, Travel, Employee Assistance Programmes, Occupational Health and Wellness. She has expertise in the design and implementation of PMI and related healthcare policies for the SME and Large Corporate market and also the individual sectors. Natalie also performs Consultancy and Account Management for SME and Large Corporate clients.


Natalie enjoys the gym and keeping fit.  She also enjoys socialising with friends and spending time with family.

Mike Williamson

Employee Engagement Advisor – Team Leader


Mike is a specialist in workplace pension accumulation advice and is an adviser and team leader for the employee engagement team.

I have nearly 30 years’ experience providing advice in financial services industry and advise clients face to face, remotely via video or telephone. I advise on pension accumulation and consolidation, helping to create bespoke client pension journeys for members and refer Group Pension members who need further investment, and protection planning advice to the wider company. 

Professional Qualifications

Level 4 qualified


My hobbies include long distance cycling, motorbiking and refurbishing very slowly an old Landrover.

Laurence Scott

Financial Planner


Laurence is a Finance Professional with a wide range of experience across different industries and markets. He has worked as a Financial Planner for nearly 5 years before joining Titan Wealth Planning in late 2023.

Prior to that, he ran his own Company and so has valuable additional knowledge when it comes to understanding the goals and challenges of business owners.

He advises in a wide range of planning areas including investments, ISAs, pensions; both accumulation phase and options at retirement, protection, estate and inheritance tax planning (including trusts) and tax efficient investment schemes.

Professional Qualifications

Dip PFS – Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning

Cert CII – Certificate in Mortgage Advice


Outside of work, Laurence enjoys travelling with his family, being an enthusiastic ‘fair-weather’ golfer and is a born-again PC gamer having built his first computer in 2022.

Laura Fordham

Financial Planner (Harrogate)


Laura has been advising clients for 6 years and has a keen ear for understanding clients and their families plans for the future. She provides sound advice to create structured, integrated plans for a financially secure future and enjoys building long lasting relationships with all her clients. 

She advises across a wide breadth of areas from Financial Protection, Investment Planning, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning. Her passion is working with the younger generation to educate them on the importance of financial planning and the value of professional advice. 

Professional Qualifications

DipPFS and Certs CII (MP & ER)
BA (Hons) Bachelor of Arts in Business and Marketing from De Montfort University


Laura lives in Harrogate, North Yorkshire with her partner and their children. She spends her free time with friends and family and has a passion for travel and spent 6 years living in South America.

Keith Allnutt

Financial Planner


Keith is a highly experienced and qualified Employee Benefits Consultant / Regulated Individual. He has 30 years financial services experience, all in client facing advisory roles and always as an Independent adviser. 

He is experienced in providing personal financial planning to members of employee benefit arrangements, particularly for those at or approaching retirement.

Professional Qualifications

  • Financial Planning Certificate
  • Advanced Financial Planning Certificate
    – G10 Taxation and Trusts
    – G20 Personal Financial Planning
    – G30 Corporate Financial Planning
    – G60 Advanced Pension


Keith enjoys motorcycling, walking and competition darts. He also enjoys spending time with his family.

He involves himself with his daughters’ hobbies of music and theatre, and the supports his son’s passion of motorsport.

Karolina Cichy

Financial Planner (Rugby)


Karolina is a Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning who advises clients remotely via phone/video call. Karolina has over 5 years’ experience in the financial services industry. 

Karolina provides a personalised and comprehensive financial planning service to help individuals achieve their financial goals. Her emphasis is to build a long-term relationship with clients and create a clear path toward a solid financial future. By placing the clients’ needs at the heart of everything she does, Karolina is able to provide bespoke financial solutions to help individuals accomplish two major financial objectives: 

•    Building and preserving capital 
•    Obtaining financial protection against risk

Karolina is also fluent in Spanish and Polish and is happy to conduct meetings in these languages if required.  

Professional Qualifications


BA (Hons) – Bachelor of Arts in Spanish 


I enjoy reading and my favourite author is Paulo Coehlo. I am a keen skier, and I am a passionate about traveling. My favourite place visited so far is Costa Rica.

Karen Gittings

Senior Corporate Benefits Consultant – Group Risk


Karen joined the Group Risk Industry in 1979 and has worked for some of the UKs largest insurers and intermediaries namely, Unum, Mercer, Bupa and JLT.

Karen works exclusively with Corporate Clients and has experience of working with large range of clients from FTSE 100 companies with complex benefit needs to small family owned businesses.

Professional Qualifications

  • Cert CII (Health & Protection)


Karen enjoys travel, reading, cycling, is a keen fan of Rugby Union and a Wasps season ticket holder. She also enjoys spending time with her family.

Jonathan Ace

Financial Planner (London)


Jonathan began his career in 2005 working for a small Independent Financial Advisory practice.  He became an adviser in 2014 having worked within a technical support capacity for many years.  He works from a holistic advice perspective, taking into account all aspects of a client’s objectives, in order to work together to create a financial plan.

Professional Qualifications

  • BSc Mathematics
  • CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning (DipPFS)
    – AF3 Advanced Pension Planning


Jonathan enjoys collecting records and runs an amateur cricket team in South London.

John Lale

Employee Engagement Adviser


John is an Employee Engagement Adviser and has been with Titan Wealth Planning since January 2020.  

He has 27 years of experience working in the financial services industry and advises clients remotely via telephone, video call and face to face. He advises on Workplace pensions, and is passionate about helping members not only get a better understanding about their workplace pension, but also help them achieve their retirement goals.

Professional Qualifications

Level 4 Diploma in Financial Advice


Hobbies include 5-a-side football, golf and live music (mainly old school music from the 90s!).

John Coggins

Chartered Financial Planner (Bristol)


John is a Financial Planner within Titan Wealth Planning.

John joined Titan Wealth Planning in 2019, he now has fourteen years of experience advising clients, assisting in a wide variety of areas. John enjoys helping clients get clarity over their financial situation and making them feel confident to take the decisions that can improve their lives and that of their family.

Professional Qualifications

Chartered Financial Planner


John enjoys spending time with his family as well as swimming and playing regular tennis.

Jeremy Macleod

Senior Financial Planner (Cornwall)


Jeremy has over 30 years of experience and helps a select group of private clients to manage their financial affairs. He offers holistic financial planning and wealth management including investment and tax planning, estate and inheritance tax planning. He is a specialist in investment advice for SIPPs and director’s pension arrangements and in working with the legal and accountancy professions.

Jeremy has held a number of senior and Board level positions including Branch Head (2007-2010), National Sales Director (2010-2014), Chief Operating Officer (2014-2016) and Managing Director (2016-2019).

Now concentrating on Private Client Financial Planning advice, Jeremy remains tuned into the challenges presented by the ever changing social, political, economic, legislative environment. He has particular interest the dynamic technological advances in the financial advice space and led the development of some of our digital innovations.

Professional Qualifications

  • Dip PFS (Diploma in Financial Planning)
    • G10 Taxation and Trusts
    • K10 Retirement Options
    • K20 Pension Investment Options
    • CF2 Investment & Risk
    • CF8 Long Term Care Planning
  • BA (Hons) Business Studies
  • Cert PFS (Certificate in Financial Planning)
  • Cranfield University (2011) – Sales Director’s Programme


Jeremy loves music and he spends much of his free time travelling to music festivals and venues across Europe. He has a keen interest in rugby, although this is limited to the touchlines these days. He enjoys alpine skiing and spending time with his children and supporting their busy schedules. Jeremy’s roots are on the Isle of Lewis, where he visits annually to retain his strong family connections and for the opportunity to take in the island’s beauty and occasionally get out to sea under sail.

James Reid

Corporate Benefits Consultant


James is a Corporate Benefits Consultant at LEBC.

He has over 15 years’ experience within the financial services industry and has been a Consultant within the pensions industry for over 5 years.

James has a genuine passion for making the pensions and employee benefits industry more transparent for clients and their employees and has extensive experience managing defined benefit and defined contribution workplace pension schemes for both large and small medium entreprise (SME) employers.

Professional Qualifications

Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) – Group Risk (GR1)
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) – Financial Regulation and Ethics (R01)
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) – Financial Protection (R05)

Currently completing:
Pensions Management Institute (PMI) – Advanced Diploma – Retirement Provision


James lives in South London with his wife and young daughter and in his spare time enjoys travelling to new cities, seeing friends and watching sport.

James Reekie

Chartered Financial Planner (BATH)


James has a broad range of expertise and is particularly passionate about inter-generational wealth planning in order to ensure that a family’s money ends up in the right hands at the right time as per their wishes. He is a Dementia Friend and has significant experience working with clients who are going through some of life’s tougher challenges such as divorce, care assessments, bereavement or personal injury.

With over 10 years working in the industry James has accumulated a wealth of experience across key planning areas that affect individuals, businesses and families. James is an ardent believer in ensuring young families are protected against life’s shocks such as long term illness. He works with clients to build financial resilience and provides a holistic review service, based on cashflow, to ensure that clients financial plans can be met or exceeded.

Professional Qualifications

James studied Law at the University of Edinburgh and also holds a Masters degree in Business and Management from the University of Strathclyde. He holds the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning and the Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management.


James lives in Fife and has a young family which keeps him very busy. In his spare time he is dedicated to music and plays a range of instruments including the bagpipes, banjo and guitar.

James Naylor

Chartered Financial Planner (Hull)

James joined the business in 2015 having previously worked as a Research Analyst since 2011. During his time working as a Research Analyst he developed an excellent knowledge in key areas of financial planning including personal pensions, group pensions, auto-enrolment, long term care, investments and personal protection. James’ hard work and dedication to progress as a financial adviser has resulted in him becoming a Chartered Financial Planner.

James specialises in dealing with long term care clients, as well as providing advice on pensions in divorce. He has experience in all areas of financial planning with particular emphasis on auto-enrolment, investment and pensions.

Professional Qualification

  • Business Management BA (Hons)
  • Certificate In Life & Pensions
  • Award In Long Term Care Insurance
  • APFS (Advanced Diploma In Financial Planning)
  • DipPFS (Diploma In Financial Planning)
    – CF8 Long Term Care Qualified


James is the Chairman of the Hull 36 Round Table a social professional organisation who also raise money to support local causes.

James loves spending time with his family having recently become a father. When he does find time for himself he enjoys running, attending the gym, playing football and watching his beloved Hull City.

Ian Marsh

Corporate Benefits Consultant


Ian has been involved in the financial services industry since leaving school in 1989. His main area of expertise has been pensions but since 2007 he has moved into the employee benefits field, looking after corporate clients with the emphasis on pension governance, pension guidance to employees, and group protection.

Professional Qualification 

Financial Planning Certificate (FPC1, 2 & 3)
R01 – Financial Services, regulation & ethics
R02 – Investment principles & risk
R04 – Pensions and retirement planning
R06 – Financial planning practice
CF9 – Pensions simplification
IF7 – Insurance Products
PMI Certificate in Auto Enrolment
PMI Certificate in DC scheme governance


Ian is married with one daughter and has lived in the North East since 2004 having relocated from Essex. 

His interests include football, running, cycling and sport in general. He is also keen on metal detecting and enjoys trips away with the family in the UK as well as abroad, especially Spain.

Ian Devlin

Senior Corporate Benefits Consultant


Ian joined Titan Wealth Planning in February 2023 as a Senior Corporate Benefits Consultant specialising in the provision of advice and support relating to health and wellbeing planning.

Prior to joining Titan Wealth Planning, he had worked in the industry for over 16 years where he gained a wealth of knowledge and experience across all areas of employee benefits and business protection planning. This has seen him work with a wide range of clients of varied sizes across all industries and throughout the UK.

His most recent role prior to joining Titan Wealth Planning was as Head of Employee Benefits at a Yorkshire based Independent Financial Adviser firm.

Professional Qualifications 

  • Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII)
  • Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning (DipPFS)


Ian lives in Leeds, West Yorkshire. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, going to the gym, eating out (putting those gym sessions to good use!), and watching Formula 1, football and rugby league.

Harteshwer Thind

Financial Planner (Nuneaton)

Harteshwer has spent several years in financial services, having previously advised on all areas of financial planning. He looks to develop long-standing relationships with his clients, with a view to provide holistic financial advice to meet their objectives. 

This entails an ongoing review service and a comprehensive service with cashflow models, ongoing analytics and market commentary. 

Professional Qualification 

•    DipPFS – Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning. 
•    SCQF Level 9 – Practical Investment Planning.
•    CF6: Mortgage Advice. 
•    BSc (Hons) – Nottingham Trent University. 


Harteshwer enjoys travelling, chess and he is looking to expand his horizons through gardening!

Greg Kirkwood

Financial Planner (Bristol)


Greg is a Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning who advises clients remotely via phone/video call and is working towards his Chartership. He has 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry and advises clients on pensions, at retirement, investments and protection planning. Greg enjoys gaining a whole picture of a client’s position, building a picture to help illustration their position to them, building their confidence and understanding of their circumstances.

Professional Qualifications

Regulated Diploma in Financial Planning


Greg lives in Bristol with his young family. After he has finished his second job as a taxi driver for his children, he enjoys BBQing and when possible sporting events.

George Davey

Financial Planner (London)


George works with his clients to provide holistic and truly objective-based financial advice. He looks to take the complexity out of buiding an effective financial plan, boiling each plan down to its simplest form. George’s approach enables him to build strong relationships with his clients, setting them at ease and enabling them to focus fully on enjoying their busy lives.

Professional Qualifications

  • Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning 


George lives in London and enjoys exploring new restaurants, cooking, spending quality time with friends and family and is currently, very slowly, learning to play golf. He is also a fair-weather SCUBA diver having previously worked abroad as a PADI Divemaster.

Fin Douglas

Financial Planner (Bristol)


Fin is a financial planner at Titan Wealth Planning, currently working towards achieving his Chartered Adviser status.

He has eight years’ experience in the financial services industry, with time spent in administrative, technical and compliance based roles. Fin advises on pensions, investments, and protection planning and works closely with clients to help achieve their bespoke financial objectives.

Professional Qualification

CII Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning

CII Level 4 Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management

CII Level 3 Certificate in Mortgage Advice

CII Level 3 Award in Financial Administration


Fin lives in Bristol and enjoys spending time on the west coast of Scotland.

Evie Tucker

Financial Planner


Evie is a Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning. She has worked within the profession since 2016.

Evie advises on pensions, investments, and protection planning working closely with clients to help them achieve their bespoke financial objectives.

Professional Qualifications

Diploma qualified in Regulated Financial Planning from the Personal Finance Society.

BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance from the University of the West of England


Evie enjoys creating with her sewing and knitting projects. Her Beagle dog also keeps her active.

Derek Miles

Chief Executive Officer

Derek is Chief Executive Officer of Titan Wealth Planning.

Titan Wealth Planning provides bespoke financial planning advice to private clients and assists employers with the design, communication and implementation of employee benefits.

He has over 25 years experience in various roles in financial services and is based in Bristol.

Professional Qualifications

Personal Finance Society (Dip PFS)


Derek enjoys all sports having played rugby and cricket for over 30 years until age turned him into an avid spectator.

Raj Ladwa

Group Finance Director

Raj has 18 years’ experience in financial management in a range of industries, including financial services, luxury retail and telecommunications. As Finance Director, Raj is focused on robust financial stewardship while improving, operational performance and shareholder value.

Professional Qualifications

  • FCCA – Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, De Montfort University


Raj is married and lives in Northamptonshire. In his spare time he is actively involved in supporting BAPS Charities, using his expertise for the benefit of the local communities.

Ed Parsons

Financial Planner


Ed is a Diploma Qualified Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning and works out of our Bristol office.

He has over 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising clients for over 10 years. As a Financial Planner, Ed provides holistic financial advice to our clients and works closely with them to help them meet their financial objectives both now and in the future by setting out a bespoke financial plan involving regular reviews and cash flow modelling. 

Ed advises in a wide range of financial planning areas including pensions, options at retirement, protection, savings, investments and inheritance tax planning.

Professional Qualifications

Dip PFS – Member of the Personal Finance Society.


Ed lives in South Wales. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing tennis. He is an active supporter of the Red Cross.

Darren Elcock

Associate consultant – healthcare & Wellbeing


Darren specialises in employee benefits and has over 14 years experience in the health & wellbeing industry (with 10 years in the specialist intermediary sector). Darren has experience in the planning, design and implementation of Health & Wellbeing services (such as private medical insurance, health screening, dental, cash plans, business travel, employee assistance programmes etc). He also performs consultancy and account management for predominately SME and large corporate clients. Darren also works on risk management, claims analysis and forecasting.


Fitness,  travelling, music production, music, movies, technology/gadgets, the 80’s…and I’m a bit of an excel geek!

Andy Allen

Financial Planner (Newcastle)


Andy has been in the financial services industry for around 14 years, including the last eight years as a Financial Planner. 

Andy provides holistic financial advice to private clients, advising in a wide range of areas including investments, pensions (pre & post retirement) protection, & estate and inheritance tax planning. He is focused on building strong client relationships to help them achieve their long term objectives and goals. 

Professional Qualification 

  • CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning (DipPFS)
    • RO8 Pensions Update


Outside of work, free time is spent with family and his teenage daughter. As well as this, Andy is an outdoors person, enjoying travel, football and skiing holidays.

Andrew Marsden

Senior Employee Benefits Consultant 


Andrew has over 21 years experience in the independent financial advisory profession and specialises in setting up employee benefit programmes for employers and providing financial planning solutions for individuals.

Andrew also advises individuals in all aspects of pensions, investment, risk provision and tax planning.

Personal Qualifications 

  • Financial Planning Certificate
  • Advanced Financial Planning Certificate
    – G10 Taxation & Trusts
    – G20 Personal Investment Planning
    – G60 Pensions
    – J04 Pension Funding Options
    – J05 Pensions Income Options
    – GR1 Group Risk
    – CF2 Investment & Risk
    – CF6 Mortgage Advice
    – ER1 Equity Release
    – CF8 Long term care insurance


Andrew enjoys spending time with his family and sport.

Andrew Larkin

Financial Planner (Manchester)


Andrew has over 30 years’ experience as a financial planner previously working with premier customers with both RBS and HSBC. 

He provides full advice to his clients and works with them to ensure that their current and future objectives can be achieved, this is done by building up a strong long-term relationship with them.

Andrew advises across all areas of financial planning including investments, protection retirement and legacy planning.

Professional Qualifications



Andrew lives in Greater Manchester and has a partner, Jeanette. He is a season ticket holder at Sunderland and enjoys travel and his annual road trip to the USA to visit friends and watch the Minnesota Vikings.

Ally Holiday

Chartered Financial Planner (Bristol)


Ally is a Chartered Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning and works and advises clients remotely via telephone and/or video call. She has over 11 years’ experience in the financial services industry in both the UK and Australia. Ally provides tailored financial advice to our clients to help achieve their goals and objectives, including regular review meetings to ensure a financial plan is on track. Ally advises in a wide range of financial planning areas including investments, ISAs and pensions.

Professional Qualification 

Chartered Financial Planner
BSc(Hons) Money, Banking and Finance at Birmingham University.


Ally lives in Bath and enjoys spending time with her two young children, travelling and swimming.

Adam Walsh

Associate Consultant – Group Risk 


Adam specialises in corporate employees benefits and has over 19 years’ experience in the Group Risk industry, with 5 of those administering both pensions and private medical insurance. He manages, and consults on a broad portfolio of both SME and large clients, which includes advising and implementing schemes. Adam also focuses heavily on employee wellbeing, helping employers role out additional support services, including mental health.


Adam is an avid Manchester City supporter attending games regularly, he also enjoys cycling and spending time with his nieces and nephew.

Adam Farrant

Corporate Consultant


Adam is a Corporate Benefits Consultant and works out of our Bristol office.

He has over 12 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising corporate clients for over 5 years. As a Corporate Benefits Consultant, Adam provides employee benefits advice and support to our corporate clients and works closely with them to help them manage and expand their employee benefits offering. This also includes supporting with employee communications and ensuring his client’s employees get the most out of the package on offer to them. 

He advises in a wide range of areas of employee benefits including pensions, group risk and healthcare solutions.


Adam lives in Cheltenham. In his spare time, he enjoys renovating his house, watching football and cooking (eating) lots!

Anthony Barrett

Corporate Benefits Consultant


Anthony is a Diploma qualified Corporate Benefit Consultant at Titan Wealth Planning and works out of our Bristol Head Office.

He has over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising clients for over 18 of those years. As a Corporate Benefit Consultant, he provides holistic corporate financial advice to a range of companies from SME level to some of the UKs most well-known companies. He works closely with them to help them meet their company wide objectives at both a corporate and budgetary level but also to ensure that their employees are financially well educated on the benefits available to them. Along with this he helps business owners ensure that they have sufficient business succession planning in place should the unforeseen happen.

He advises in a wide range of financial areas including pensions, automatic enrolment, financial education in the work place, private medical insurance, group death in service, group income protection, health cash plans, shareholder protection and keyperson cover.

Professional Qualifications

DIP PFS – Diploma in Financial Planning.
BCom – Bachelor of Commerce (Majoring in Finance and International Business) at The University of Tasmania (Australia).


Anthony lives in Bristol with his family. During his spare time he manages a grassroots football team at Rockleaze Rangers, where he is also a member of the Executive Committee. He is working towards becoming a qualified timekeeper for Bristol North Swimming Club. He and his family are avid Bristol City FC fans and have season tickets. When he does have some free to himself he likes to play golf, cricket and tennis.

Adem Hendry

Financial Planner (Bristol)


Adam is a Chartered Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning and works out of our Bristol office.

He has over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been advising clients for all this time. As a Chartered Financial Planner, Adam provides holistic financial advice to our clients and works closely with them to help them meet their financial objectives both now and in the future by setting out a bespoke financial plan involving regular reviews and cash flow modelling. 

Adam advises in a wide range of financial planning areas including pensions, options at retirement, protection, savings, investments, estate and inheritance tax planning including trusts and tax efficient investment schemes.

Professional Qualifications

APFS – Chartered Financial Planner of the Personal Finance Society.

BSc (Hons) – Bachelor of Science, Sociology with Research Training at The University of Bath


Adam lives in Ashcott, Somerset. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, skiing and keeping fit. He is a lifelong supporter of Swindon Town Football Club

Yolande Brennan

Chartered Financial Planner (BATH)


Yolande is a Chartered Financial Planner at Titan Wealth Planning and working towards fellow. 

She has 10 years’ experience in the financial services industry and advises clients on pensions, investments and protection planning. Yolande enjoys working with clients to help them achieve their financial goals. 

Professional Qualifications

APFS Chartered Financial Planner of the Personal Finance Society.
BSc(Hons) in Psychology from the University of Reading  


Yolande’s hobbies are walking, baking and traveling.

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